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Top Ten Tips For The Extra Life Of A.C In Automobiles

Almost of the people keeps A.Cs in off because of the low economy in a automobile. The A.C is begins to on when the coming of summer season. In general, that is time of damaging of A.Cs . The A.C can be use to the life of the vehicle when we take care about that.
  1. Most of the people do not take care about the A.C and it's maintenance as the other spare parts. When we give proper services at proper time, the A.C will not damage for the life of the vehicle. So the A.C should be service at a interval of 25000-30000 km by approved dealers.
  2. The main enemy of A.C is the dust. The dust which is entering the vehicle will entering to the evaporator and causes condensation. To avoid this, dismantle and clean the evaporator/cooling coil.
  3. In new vehicle a air filter is provided. we should be replaced at every 10000-15000 km. The condenser should be cleaned in regular service. The uncleaned condenser may cause the proper performance of the A.C. Should be check that, whether the cooling fin have any cracks or leak.
  4. The tightness of the belt should be check. The loosed and over tightened belts will cause the damaging of magnetic clutch of A.C compressor.
  5. In all A.C unit refrigent gas is used foe cooling. Check whether the gas level is proper. When the level is low, it will affect the cooling performance.
  6. The A.C should not be on before the vehicle is not warmed up after starting. And the A.C should off before the vehicle is shut down.
  7. The A.C car should be on the A.C while running. It helps to avoid the entering of dust into the vehicle and to avoid drying of 'o' rings.
  8. The driver should be care about the proper parking of the vehicle. The vehicle should park under the shadows as far as possible. The side window glass should be slightly open in the case of parking at direct sunlight.
  9. It should be measured that the temperature inside the A.C vent. The system is normal if the reading is between 4 degree and 10 degree. In other cases,it indicates the damage of the unit.
  10. Should care about to avoid direct sunlight into the interior of vehicle. Sun shades can be used.

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